Our History
Gold Coast Commodities has been in business for over a quarter of a century. Beginning in 1983, Gold Coast started as a small, family-owned business that has since evolved into a company that enjoys an industry-wide reputation for providing quality products and services. Gold Coast primarily manufactures and sells acidulated vegetable oils. Our acidulation process refines various agricultural products, making them into valuable fats and oils for a variety of uses. These products are often used as industrial processing aids, animal feed, or other fatty acid applications. Gold Coast also purchases and collects used cooking oil from restaurants and food processing establishments that is then refined into "used cooking oil" (UCO). UCO serves as a raw material for biofuels and animal feed.

Gold Coast Commodities

Why Gold Coast?
Gold Coast is proud to offer the best ingredients and products that our industry can offer. You can rest assured that our products are made with the highest quality and attention to detail. Our dedication is exemplified by the fact that we are GMP Certified. Gold Coast is also conscious of the environment. We do not collect or handle any petroleum-based products. In fact, almost 100% of the fats and oils we collect and process are refined and recycled into valuable consumer end products. In this way, we are doing our part as an environmentally friendly company that you can be proud to do business with.